What are the maintenance standards for electroplating power supplies during use?

2021-6-9 15:36:58

When we use the electroplating power supply, we must know how to use it and how to maintain the life of the equipment. Next, Zhongshan Jiefeng Electromechanical Equipment Co., Ltd. will take you to understand the maintenance of the equipment. The following points, I hope to help you.
1. It is not advisable to adopt pre-inspection and pre-repair maintenance methods for switching power supplies. In the early stage, because domestically-made phase-controlled power supply components are easy to age and have low reliability, maintenance by pre-inspection and pre-repair has certain positive significance.
2. Data analysis should be carried out on a regular basis
We regularly print out various information recorded by the switching power supply computer, which can easily understand the historical data of the power supply itself, such as when the AC interruption occurred, when the battery was charged and discharged, and the current working status of the electroplating power supply and many more. Through the analysis of these data, certain problems can be found, and the data can be modified in time if necessary.
3. Dust-proof isolation device should be installed
We know that in a computer room without a dust isolation device, the computer room contains a lot of dust. Since switching power supplies are mostly cooled by forced air cooling, air flow will inevitably bring dust into the equipment, and switching power supplies should not be frequently disassembled and cleaned. Excessive dust accumulation will cause leakage and short circuits in humid weather, leading to failures. There was a module in my unit that automatically shut down within half a year after it was put into operation. After a technician came to inspect it, it was found that the thickness of the internal dust had buried the electronic components. It was confirmed that the fault was caused by a short circuit of dust. Recently, as the environment has deteriorated, dust pollution has become one of the main sources of pollution. A 2000A module is worth 70 to 80 thousand yuan, and the installation of an isolation device in a power supply room costs about 8,000 yuan. Therefore, no matter from an economic point of view or from a reliability point of view, it is necessary to install dust-proof isolation devices, and air conditioning equipment should be equipped if conditions permit.
4. Implement centralized monitoring in time
With the expansion of communication equipment, there are more and more electroplating power equipment, their distribution points are more and more scattered, and more and more people need maintenance, which is in contradiction with downsizing and increasing efficiency. An important way to resolve conflicts is to implement centralized monitoring. The implementation of centralized monitoring can be carried out step by step according to the existing conditions, and it is not necessary to force a one-step implementation. Implementing centralized monitoring to reduce people and increase efficiency, solve the timeliness of troubleshooting, and reduce the number of spare parts, can be described as a single move, and it is worthy of vigorous promotion.